No matter what kind of back pain you are afflicted with

Work, work, work...all of us are going through this process every day of our lives. We work to earn our bread and butter. But sometimes we take for granted that our physical bodies are able to take all the strains and stresses which we are not consciously aware of. Yes, we will only be aware when we experience pain in our physical bodies. It's sad, but it's a matter of truth!

More often than not, we tend to experience back pains both slight and severe suddenly when we are not in the least aware of it. It's something that we do not wish for but suddenly we get this back pain that unfairly stops us from continuing our work.

Back pain can come from your nerves, muscles, bones, joints, or even from other structures in your spine. Low back pain (lumbago) is very common in adults, especially working adults. We do understand what the spine is all about. It is the live interconnection of joints, muscles, nerves, tendons and ligaments, all of which are able to produce the pain that you are experiencing right now. Do note that large nerves in the spine and all the way to the legs can cause that drastic pain that we cry about.

There are two categories of back pain. The acute back pain normally lasts less than 3 months. The chronic back pain will last more than 3 weeks and has the tendency to give you more problems. Do note that back pain commonly strikes people in the age range of 35-55 years.

There are many symptoms that will signify that you have been afflicted with back pain. For low back pain, you can experience the pain anywhere on your back, between the bottom of your ribs and the top of your legs. Together with your back pain, you may also be experiencing any of the following symptoms:

1.    Fever

2.    Inflammation or swelling on the back

3.    Pain that is persistent and does not ease after lying down or rest

4.    Pain that you can feel in your chest or high up in your back

5.    Pain that is down the legs and below the knees

6.    weight loss

7. Difficulty in passing urine

For such cases, it is strongly advised that you visit your GP immediately.

What causes the back pain? There are many reasons to account for:

1.    Slouching in chairs

2.    Bending awkwardly

3.    Carrying, pushing or lifting with incorrect posture

4.    Standing or bending down too long

5.    Sneezing or coughing

6.    Over-stretching

7.    Driving for too long and in hunched positions

8.    Pregnancy

9.    Different kinds of arthritis

10. Trip or fall

11. Bone disorders

12. Viral infections

13.    Sleeping disorders

14.    Gynaecological problems for women

15.    Injury

16.    Lack of exercise

It is also known that persistent lower back pain can be attributed to other causes such as bone diseases, shingles, fibromyalgial, prostatitis, congenital spinal defects, or even cancer that has already spread to the spine.

The bulging or rupture of one or more intervertebral discs may cause serious back pain. You may experience a slipped disc when the circle of connective tissue surrounding your disc breaks down and allows the soft gel-like part of the disc to swell and protrude outwards. You may as a result feel pain in your buttocks, thigh, calves, feet and toes. This pain may be accompanied by numbness and weakness, pins and needles. Such discs dry out and weaken with age, resulting in stiffness and pain, especially in early morning. Elderly are more prone to such back pain.

No matter what kind of back pain you are afflicted with, it is strongly recommended that you take immediate and appropriate action to tackle this pain. It is unwise to delay taking action, because you may accidentally aggravate the problem. You may seek out any chiropractor or subscribe to proven methods of simple exercises that will help you correct this health problem.

Surely you want to live your life happily and healthily, don't you? Health remains the top priority if you want to live your life actively. It is a fact that you have no choice but to embrace.

Par bengbeng189 le mercredi 20 juillet 2011


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